A commitment to curate the best deals, significantly streamlining the search process for real estate investors & homeowners

FlipSquad proprietary algorithm is meticulously designed to sift through over 100 million properties.

“Flipsquad has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked deals we never thought were possible.”

Nick Bianchi

Founder, REInvest

Transforming the traditional process of locating deals on the MLS

For those looking to dive into the world of flipping properties or seeking value-added rentals, FlipSquad is an indispensable tool.

Discover the best deals

Quickly find and filter properties. Immediately Identify the most promising investments.

Evaluate Properties

Use FlipSquad’s property comparables tool to evaluate similar sold properties. 


See property rankings by similarity and view the comps on our map.

Meet the Agents

Use our agent data to immediately contact the property’s agent to see the property or get more details.

Project Management

Quickly discover deals, set up alerts, and manage the buying process.

Close the Deal

Seamlessly integrates with existing tools, allowing for the automated extraction of valuable data – a boon for efficiency and strategic planning.

Become a Flipster!

Ensure that your deal funnel is always full